CCI Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Welcome to the NOUVELLE AQUITAINE CCI's platform for collecting alerts

The reporting platform is available to staff, elected or associated members and other stakeholders of the CCIs of New France, including the CCI of the New France region and the 13 Territorial CCIs: Bayonne-Pays Basque, Bordeaux Gironde, Charente, Charente-Maritime, Creuse, Corrèze, Deux-Sèvres, Landes, Limoges-Haute-Vienne, Lot-et-Garonne, Pau Béarn and Vienne.

The platform allows the above-mentioned individuals to issue an alert in a secure and confidential manner. The alert will then be sent to the competent referent who will be displayed after having selected the situation concerned. The author of the alert has the possibility to follow the progress of the processing of his or her alert and to communicate with the competent referent thanks to the confidential code generated by the platform when the alert is transmitted.

Make a new report Access an existing report


ATTENTION: A specific procedure relating to psycho-social risks and situations of harassment has been set up within the CCIs of New Aquitaine. You will find below the steps to follow,

- link to RPS procedure

- link to harassment procedure

Useful documentation

RPS procedure
RPS procedure
Harassment procedure
Harassment procedure


Each report has its own discussion system for sending and receiving messages. These exchanges respect the choice of the reporters if they wished to remain anonymous.

Only the designated referees will receive the information you send us through the form. You will be able to follow your report and communicate with the referent(s) thanks to the confidential code generated by the platform when you send your report. All reports will be rigorously analyzed.